Knight Writer
Fun books that teach
Ken Knight
Ken Knight has been writing words since his elementary school desk was pushed across the hall moving him in a single moment from Grade 3 to Grade 4, and still remembers it was the day they learned to write capital “Gs”.

Knight has been writing as a student and part of various careers since then and has been the editor of two printed and one electronic newsletter as well as one widely-circulated promotional guide book publication.

Born and raised in Calgary, Canada where he has always made his home, Knight is a graduate of the University of Calgary and loves the Calgary Stampede.  He enjoys writing more than any other thing and creates a poem, tale or song every year for his family Christmas card which includes all the past year’s news in rhyme or some kind of story.

Knight’s two daughters were the inspiration for his first book, written as advice for them as they prepared to leave the nest and begin their adult lives.  He is currently working on his second book which offers insight into his own difficult childhood and first marriage with some more life advice for a younger version of himself.
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Lefty Loosey Righty Tighty is a guide book to common sense things in life that are perhaps not-so-common sense in the present world of instant gratification and instant communication.  Simple tips are offered to make life easier or – well, simpler!  The first tip, lefty loosey righty tighty, is a simple way to remember which way to turn something on or off or to make it looser and tighter; and became the title of the book.

Written as advice for the writer's nest-abandoning daughters (if they had actually asked for it), this book offers over 100 common-sense tips for living in a very complicated world.  With topics from what to eat after a night of over-consumption to how to decorate a room, Lefty Loosey Righty Tighty is a great light read and wonderful resource for anyone navigating life’s winding road.

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